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General Questions About Hub Smartup
Hub Smartup LTD was registered in the United Kingdom with the trade code 13350630.
No, We are not an accelerator or incubator. We are a business facilitator. You can use our six services separately or integrated according to your needs.
No, Hub Smartup is a private limited company.
Cost or stock and sometimes we use your capabilities in exchange for the services provided.
No, We also cover clients from North Africa and South America.
The process of using our services
No, Our services range from the UK, Canada, France, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Finland, Slovakia, the Netherlands and South Korea, also operate globally.
No, If you have a complete startup or even a company and you want to be in the international area, you can use our services.
Yes, The Middle East office is located in Tehran and operates under the name of Smart Up Visa. www.smartupvisa.com
No, Hub Smartup is a private limited company.
The Legal section of Hub Smartup , with the cooperation of well-known British, European and Canadian lawyers, can handle your immigration process.