Ultimate bridge

Ultimate Bridge is a see to see training platform. Teach anything to anyone and in any way. The platform has only two main missions, verifying the educational capabilities of the applicants and then keeping the payment by the student until they agree and then paying it to the learner. Ultimate Bridge has focused its primary market on language teaching. The market in which she already has skills and experience.

How We Work
Ultimate Bridge is one of the cases in which we have been fully effective so far. Tannaz Velayati is a young Iranian entrepreneur who came to us in the spring of 2020 with the power in order to participate in the British market and startup ecosystem. We accompanied her in designing the initial idea, preparing the business plan, receiving the endorsement and obtaining the visa. We also helped with company registration and other legal issues.

We Will Be Useful to You
In the next step , we managed to find key partners for her in the financial section of Hub smartup. Finding an investor at a stage when the startup MVP is not ready is not that much easy. After finding an investor for her, we have now entered the third part of the cooperation.

We intend to use the services of IT Hub smartup’s department to implement the process of implementing her online platform. We hope to help her launch the Ultimate Bridge before the start of July 2021.